Rodenstock Citoklapp is a folding camera made in the years 1931-1938 in Germany. The body was actually made by Welta and the camera was also sold as Welta Perle, with the same shutter mechanism but with different lens. It uses 120 film and can take 8 photos in 6x9 format.
The shutter has four speeds: 1/25. 1/50, 1/100, B, T.
"B" stands for "Bulb": the shutter stays open for as long as you hold the shutter release lever down. "T" stands for "Time": once the shutter release lever is pressed the shutter stays open. It will close only when the lever is pressed again. The aperture spans from f/6.3 to f/36.
Another useful feature of this camera is the self-timer. When you activate it, you'll have about 10 seconds until the photo is taken. First rotate the self-timer lever with the red dot, and then press the shutter release lever.
The camera's bed has a focusing plate, so by adjusting the bellows extension, you can focus from 1.5m to infinity.
You can hold the camera vertically or horizontally, to take, respectively, portrait or landscape photographs. You can rotate the viewfinder depending on how you are holding the camera. The viewfinder must be viewd from weist-height, while holding the camera against your body. There is also a simple pop up viewfinder frame that you can use.
Before using, it is important to check the bellows for holes. If there are holes (even little ones) your photos will result with light leaks, or in cases where there are big holes, your film will be ruined. To check the bellows for holes, open the back and extend the bellows in a dark room. Insert a flashlight from within and if there are any pinholes you'll be able to see them by looking at the camera from the outside, while moving the torch around the interior.